From 07 to the 09 September 2012 nell’abituale cornice marscianese si svolgerà la VIII edizione di Marsciano Arte Giovani. Organized by the Cooperative Wave in collaboration with the City of Marsciano, This year the festival revolves around the retrospective exhibition with the artists selected from participants in the "Creativity Award City of Marsciano", from Italy and abroad.

The anthology are added 2 photographic exhibitions dedicated to two different cities: Roberto tells Archangels Havana, Russian Denis Shulepov St. Petersburg.

Main protagonists of the evening show, which will be held as usual in the Piazzetta San Giovanni, will: Anna Maria Civic Theatre (7 September), i This Armony per la musica (8 September) and Gabriella Maiorino for dance (9 September).

Of note is the "Round Table" on the theme of '"Art in Times of Crisis" (Sunday afternoon 9) with Professor. Bruno Cora and the other jurors Creativity Award.

The event will take place as usual in the Museum's dynamic brick and terracotta and Piazzetta San Giovanni, which will add various rooms and adjacent spaces.


The festival is entirely free.

The full program of the event, with the scheduled visit of the exhibitions, is visible in the official website of MAG: and blog http://May /

Info: 07587421152 -


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