The Casa del Parco di Norcia (0743 828173) organizes du free events with the sky:
Friday 10 August 2012 Piangrande at Castelluccio di Norcia (Camper parking area)
Sunday 12 August 2012 the fork of Ancaster (picnic area).


The program
hours 21,45
: presentation to the group program
hours 22,00
: early observations of the heavens to understand the movement of the stars and recognize the major constellations, listen to the myths and legends that the ancient peoples have passed
hours 22,15
: grand tour of the universe, observation of planets and stellar bodies: galaxies, nebulae, star clusters. Comments on the objects observed; In alternative (very bright moon) observation of the moon, of the Apollo landing sites, considerations about the geological history of our satellite, slideshow about the solar system

landing sites of Apollo missions, considerations about the geological history of our satellite, slideshow about the solar system

Address: Piazza San Benedetto – 06046 NORCIA (PG)

tel./fax: 0743/828173

E-mail: info.norcia @

Manager: Montepatino

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