You park near the walls of the city, in the vicinity of a hotel, continue along the Corso Garibaldi, with the road surface smooth, You can also take the parallel road that is characterized by a walkway evocative medieval, accessible to all, to finally arrive in the main square Scipio Scipio, The panoramic terrace on the wonderful panorama below.

Nature Trails

Public Gardens: Memorial Park and Mill Park in the hamlet of Pistrino, are accessible.

Part of the route of the Franciscan Trail accessible with assistance.

Of the district 'Upper Tiber Valley 
 Piazza Matteotti - Lodges Bufalini - 06012 Town of Castle 
 Such. 075.8554922 - Fax 075.8552100

Source images:


I dati sull’accessibilità sono riportati all’interno della descrizione degli routes.


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