It starts from Largo Gramsci where you can leave your car at the car park. Si oltrepassa la Porta Montefalco e dopo un breve tratto in leggera pendenza ci troviamo in Piazza Filippo Sivestri dove è situata la ProLoco del Comune di Bevagna. Inside the Palazzo dei Consoli, always in Piazza Silvestri, Francis is the Teatro Torti, then along Corso Matteotti, main street of the town, we arrive at the Museum of Palazzo Lepri, from there the staff will accompany the Mosaics of Roman Baths. The path to go to Mosaic presents a small slope with uneven floor and the entrance of the mosaics themselves are a step to climb up and two down, it is recommended that the accompanying. Returning to Piazza Silvestri Amendola course you can take that to get an uneven floor and then to the Church of St. Augustine.

Museum of Bevagna
Course G. Matteotti, 70
06031 - Bevagna (Perugia)
Such. e Fax +39 (0)742360031


Data accessibility is provided within the description of the path.



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